
How to Keep Your Hair Healthy During a Workout

Discover five tips to keep your hair healthy when you hit the gym.

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The practice of physical exercise is very important for us to have good health and a feeling of well-being throughout our body, but even during training, we must not forget to take care of our hair, too. 

Trichologist (hair and scalp specialist) Viviane Coutinho points out that we often do not give proper hair care when we hit the gym.

“We are returning to outdoor physical activities, a practice that greatly improves the quality of life and is super important. But our hair sometimes suffers from poor management of cleaning, hydration, protection, among other aspects,” says Coutinho.

Here, she shares five tips on how to keep hair healthy:

1 - Do not pull hair too tight

Those who have long hair usually tie it in a bun or ponytail before training, which in addition to facilitating exercise, helps to prevent accidents by preventing hair from tangling in equipment or devices. But it is important not to pull the strands too much: excessive traction can cause alopecia to appear, which is when there is formation of flaws in the scalp. Always choose fasteners that will not hurt the hair fiber and loosen the locks loosely.

2 - Use protective products

If you decide to exercise in the open air or even in the pool, be sure to protect your locks from the damage to which they will be exposed. Try a leave-in product that has a sun protection or ingredients that will protect your hair from pool chlorine or sea salt. This will prevent your hair from losing its natural moisture.

4 - Hats and caps are your friends

Be sure to protect your scalp if you are going to be exposed to the sun. There are hats and caps specifically suitable for physical exercise because they allow natural air circulation in the scalp and the trichologist recommends investing in accessories of this type to increase protection.

5 - Hygiene

Did you know that it's ideal to clean your scalp after each workout, even for those who do not miss a day? This is because during physical exercises, sweat can accumulate and cause retention of products and even dirt. And it is no use just using a dryer to remove sweat, it needs a good wash.

5 - Stick to a wash schedule

For those who practice physical activities every day, it will be necessary to wash your hair daily as stated above. This can make you feel that your hair is more dry, but be aware that this problem does not come from over-cleaning, but from the lack of an adequate schedule.

Healthy hair will have all the necessary and important nutrients, and we achieve this through the use of the right products. Keep a wash schedule that suits your hair's needs so you don't have to leave your exercise routine behind!


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