8 Celebrities Who Started Out with Normal First Jobs
Today, they have legions of fans, star in major Hollywood productions, and perform in the largest arenas around the world, but before they were famous, your favorite celebrities like Beyoncé, Margot Robbie, and more had normal jobs. Before reaching fame, these award-winning stars worked office jobs and fast-food gigs just like the rest of us. Peek these stars' their pre-fame life with these eight stories about their first jobs.
Today, she's the queen of pop, but is hasn't always been that way. In an interview with Howard Stern, Madonna revealed that before she made it in music, she worked at a Dunkin' Donuts. Unfortunately, she was fired after about a week because her employers thought she wasn't taking the job for real. "I was playing with the gelatin injection machine."
Since she was a little Beyoncé, she had a voice but, unlike the stage, her spectators were the clients of her mother's salon. However, her first payment came through tips that she earned sweeping the floor. In an interview with Essence, the singer revealed, "from six to nine years old, I sang and played small shows alone for women who wanted a hot curl press and a good conversation. She continued, "I helped sweep hair off the floor in search of tips to pay for my Six Flags season pass".
Gwyneth Paltrow
Today, Gwyneth Paltrow is a big Hollywood star but, before she got there, the actress and businesswoman worked at a local shop. "My parents always gave me a job," said Paltrow to Goop Magazine. "I'm not sure how cool that was, but I worked after school at Penny Whistle Toys on Madison Avenue when I was twelve."
Margot Robbie
Like Paltrow, Margot Robbie started working at a very young age. In an interview with Chris Pratt during Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the actress explained that she worked in a restaurant when she was just 10 years old. “I started at the back of the kitchen, polishing silverware. Then I moved on to peeling potatoes, then I started washing dishes, and then I was a waitress." Robbie also revealed that at 14, she already worked behind the bar.
Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman's first job was as a gatekeeper at the Capitol Theater in Sydney. "I was only 14, but I was paid an adult salary," revealed the actress to Marie Claire.
Gal Gadot
Before becoming a world-famous actress, Gal Gadot received many offers to work as a model, but they did not appeal to her. In an interview with Rolling Stone, she revealed, “I was like, 'Posing for money? It's not for me.'" Instead, Gadot chose to work at a Burger King.
Oprah Winfrey
People's first jobs do not always lead to good memories. For Oprah Winfrey, working in her local grocery store was complicated because she wasn't allowed to speak to customers. “Can you imagine what it was like for me? That was very, very, very difficult," the talk show host said.
Lady Gaga
Before taking over the stage, Lady Gaga worked as a waitress in Manhattan. “I was really good at that. I always got big tips. I always used to work in heels,” revealed the singer in an interview for Elle. "I told everyone stories."