Pop culture

Every Heidi Klum Halloween Costume Throughout the Years

When it comes to Halloween, Heidi Klum reigns.

heidi klum as jessica rabbit in red sequin dress and purple gloves
Photo via Getty Images.

Since the 2000s,  Heidi Klum has been a staple figure during Halloween. Among her many talents as a model and TV personality, she is also a Halloween aficionado and hosts a celebrity-filled party in Hollywood every year to celebrate.

In 2020 and 2021, Klum was forced to cancel her annual fete due to the COVID pandemic. However, Klum still found a way to pay homage to her favorite holiday by dressing up for social media. However, in 2022, the event returned with full force, with a star-studded guest list and grandiose costume from Klum that was the most talked about of the night. Let’s look back down memory lane at Klum's best Halloween costumes of all time, and her most recent costume, a giant peacock.  

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Dominatrix, 2000.
Lady Godiva, 2001.
Betty Boop, 2002.
Golden Girl, 2003.
Witch, 2004.
Vampire, 2005.
The Forbidden Fruit, 2006.
Cat, 2007.
Hindu Goddess, 2008.
Crow, 2009.
Robot, 2010.
Ape, 2011.
Human Body, 2011.
Cleopatra, 2012.
Old Lady, 2013.
Butterfly, 2014.
Jessica Rabbit, 2015.
Heidi Klum, 2016.
Michael Jackson's 'Thriller,' 2017.
Fiona from 'Shreck,' 2018.
Flesh-eating alien, 2019.
2020, Mummies; Photo: @heidiklum.
2021; Photo: @heidiklum.
Dune Worm, 2022.
Giant Peacock, 2023.


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