How to Navigate Mercury in Retrograde According to Your Zodiac Sign
Gird your loins, it's time for a rage blackout.
Does road rage seem like a fun hobby? Did you buy a book of occult spells in a vain attempt to control your life? Do you suddenly feel like throwing hands and buying a snake? Well, order some chamomile tea on Amazon because Mercury is in retrograde.
Fellow children of Rihanna, welcome to the chaos that is Mercury in retrograde. All of your instincts are thrown off, and every fiber of your being wants to throw reason out the window. For each sign, this naughty little planet is about to cause a host of problems. If you're interested in figuring out which part of your life is about to be cast into turbulence, L'OFFICIEL has got you covered. God speed.
Fellow Rams, Mercury in Libra falls in our seventh house of partnerships. Instead of doing exactly what you did yesterday, take time to balance out your relationships. Instead of invoking the chaos of Mercury and the aggression of Mars, do yourself a favor and meditate on patience and calmness. Sort out one-on-one relationships with the understanding of your partner’s busy schedule. Also, don’t be an idiot and send long-winded texts using corporate buzzwords to satisfy your rage blackouts.
Bulls, Libra resides in your sixth house of health, organization, and self-care. You’ll find yourself needing to transition into a healthier lifestyle and possibly create boundaries with your friends and family. Try to de-stress, take a bath, or a long shower if baths freak you out. This is the time to go on long walks listening to a great mix of main character anthems.
I’m so sorry, you guys, Mercury is king for Gemini, and your fifth house of love and creativity is about to be rocked. Unfortunately, your exes are likely to pop back into your life with a “u up?” text, and, worse, you’ll probably respond. Although you’ll find yourself garnering more attention than usual, make sure you’re grounded in self-love to handle the incoming affection. It’s going to be a rough one, you guys.
With Mercury in Libra residing in your domestic fourth house, it's time to avoid drama at home. Everyone is going to annoy you: husbands, children, sisters, brothers, parents. It’s not a great time to be home, so, if you can, try to check in through phone calls instead of IRL. Don’t create knock-down-drag-out fights for shits and giggles; you will regret it.
Mercury in retrograde falls within your third house of communication, meaning you should probably do your best to keep a tight lip. You’ll feel the need to speak when it may not be necessary. Those witty punchlines you’re holding back? They’re going to end up hurting someone. So, instead, take a breath, count to three, and reassess if what you’re saying adds to the conversation instead of ending it.
Mercury in Libra resides within your second house of finances. According to the cosmos, you should be smart about your spending as fiscal issues soon arise. It may also be the best time to look for a new job with a higher pay grade or learn to invest in your future. Look into Acorns and what an ETF is.
It’s all about you as you reside in your first house of identity. This is the time to reach for your dreams, assess what you want, lean into how you want to be perceived—but not at a loss to your true identity. Do not slink away; this is the time to show up. It’s okay to be the center of attention as long as you’re not sacrificing your authenticity—this is not the time to let the evils of social media dictate who you are.
Retrograde fits within your eleventh house of teamwork. Don’t sign up for something you can’t follow through with because some long-lost friends pop back up. Your tendency to lead the charge will be met with some tension; make sure to channel the cooperative Libra mentality and be diplomatic. It's not the time to commit to partnerships you don’t feel serve you in the long run; keep the future in mind despite the short-term attraction.
With Mercury in your professional 10th house, it's time to make sure your professional goals align with your personality. Are you seeking goals imposed on by society, or are your aspirations truly what you hope to achieve? As a sign who operates methodologically, this is the time to make a list and ensure your next steps provide an authentic pathway to your genuine pursuits.
Your ninth house of travel is apt to be affected by Mercury in Libra. Chaos may be coming for your plans, so, if you can, hold off on going on an adventure until after October 18. If you can't, make sure to quadruple-check that your itinerary is confirmed. You may want to hold off on any movement into a serious relationship as travel isn't just limited to physical activity. It may make the most sense to stay in place.
You're going to feel extra emotional this month and extra secretive. Look to self-control before losing yourself in public; if you need to go into another room to cry—that's okay. Avoid past mistakes and past lovers, you know, the toxic ones that ruined your self-esteem. There is no need to reach out to Travis. He's an asshole. In the end, it will only make you feel worse and more closed off to those good eggs that surround you.
Do your best to hold your tongue, and maybe channel judgemental discernment of others unto yourself. Pluto retrograde has just ended, but that doesn't mean that the extended period of introspection needs to dissipate. This is the time to improve your listening capabilities and try to create progress, not blow it up with your, albeit witty, verbal takedowns.