Pop culture

Rosamund Pike Buries Her Awards in Her Garden

The actress refuses to display her awards because "it's awkward."
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We typically imagine Hollywood stars having a dedicated space for all their awards, but Rosamund Pike is not like most stars.  

The actress, who recently won a Golden Globe for her performance in Netflix's I Care A Lot, revealed during an interview with Ellen DeGeneres that she buries all of her awards in her garden. Pike cities a deep-rooted imposter syndrome and general awkwardness around awards, calling them "an uneasy thing to display in your home."

"How do people interact with them when they come home?" she said. "I think it's awkward."



Pike does at least leave a bit of the award peeking out of the soil, so guests can admire her numerous wins for her roles in State of the UnionThe Libertine, and Gone Girl when they go out to the garden

“I think it's amusing, because in the future, when I am dead and gone, or when somebody else buys the house, they'll be doing some landscaping and they'll hit metal and think they’ve found buried treasure," Pike said to the talk show host.

Coming up, Pike will play a sorceress in Amazon's fantasy series The Wheel of Time



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