Travel & Living

The Webster's New Home Line Is Stylish as Hell

Shop chic, live chic.
furniture corner living room indoors room flooring shelf

Let’s rejoice! The iconic and ever-changing retail space The Webster has finally answered our home décor prayers. Aptly called The Webster Home, the lot is a curation of objects and interiors for ones living space. A new category for the innovative brick and mortar locales, the range is an added bonus to the brands 10 year anniversary. Working in close collaboration with Laure Hériard Dubreuil is newly appointed Creative Director of The Webster Home, Parisian architect and designer Stéphane Parmentier. Here, Laure answers a few of our burning questions as we collectively decide which items need to belong in our homes.


YALE BRESLIN: What drew you to Stephane Parmentier's aesthetic? What was your working relationship like on this project?

LAURE HÉRIARD DUBREUIL: The synergy that Stephane and I had when we first met was instant. He completely understood what I wanted for The Webster Home and we were completely on the same page from the beginning as to how we should approach it. The connection that we have is what sealed the deal for establishing our partnership! Stephane truly has an eye for discovering beautiful pieces that you just don’t typically find anywhere else.


YB: Design sits at the core of both your personal and professional DNA. Why did you decide to launch The Webster Home now?

LAURE HÉRIARD DUBREUIL: It was just the right time! The Webster Home is such a natural extension of our brand and I just knew that Stephane was best person to help us create this new world!


YB: There are some amazing collection highlights. What are some of your favorites?

LHD: So hard to choose! Each piece was selected based on an emotion that we had, so it’s really personal. The vases from Harvey Bouterse , I’m obsessed with and the chain Franz West lights which I already have in my own home! On the other end, we found a Japanese brand called Pampshade which makes handmade lamps made from bread…croissants, baguettes. Literally, the ingredients: Bread flour, Cake flour, Salt, Yeast, LEDs, and Batteries! They are beautifully made, sustainable—the designer who was previously a baker uses the hollowed out insides for cooking!


YB: Color is an important part of the range—was this idea of vibrancy something that was important to you?

LHD: It is a major part of The Webster’s DNA, we always gravitate towards the brightest hues for fashion and it was no different when it came to home. Color invokes such a beautiful emotion and what a better way to create happiness in your home, by surrounding yourself with the most colorful pieces that you love!

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