Be Well

The Best Foods for Anxiety From a Nutritionist

Nutritionist Catia Ruthner enlightens L'Officiel readers on the proper diet for a calm mind and soul.
plant broccoli food vegetable person human

Within all of our own individual wellness journeys, we may look to our favorite health bloggers or the newest exercise craze for guidance. Yet according to nutritionist Catia Ruthner, far too many of us underestimate the power of a proper diet in not only taking care of ourselves but also in treating anxiety.

While it is easy to turn to one of your favorite "comfort foods" in times of stress (which current events have us all under), or go through all your pantry snacks in a day while stuck at home, Ruthner shares her best tips on foods that will help nourish and the best foods for anxiety.

1) Which foods should we be looking for?

Foods rich in vitamin C decrease the secretion of the cortisol hormone. Triggered by the body's experience of a stressful stimulation, the adrenal gland releases cortisol in an attempt to make sure that the feelings of stress and anxiety reach all parts of the body. By eating foods with vitamin C, you are promoting the proper functioning of the nervous system thus increasing the feeling of well-being.

Add to plate: Orange, acerola, lemon, kiwi.

Foods rich in tryptophan reduce the symptoms of anxiety affecting the brain. Amino acids increase the production of serotonin (AKA the happiness hormone), and thus increase feelings of relaxation and well-being. I would suggest two servings of tryptophan-rich foods a day.

Add to plate: Poultry, eggs, cheese, oil-seed, fish, peas, banana.


Foods rich in omega-3 (AKA the good fat) help reduce anxiety symptoms because they are rich in EPA and DHA - the fatty acids that improve brain function.

Add to plate: Tuna, salmon, sardines, flaxseed, chia.

Vitamin B-rich foods, especially B6, B12 and folic acid, are very important for the nervous system because they participate in the production of serotonin.

Add to plate: Beans, milk, eggs, yogurt, brown rice, oats, green vegetables, bananas, liver.

Magnesium-rich foods will improve sleep quality and blood circulation, and are thus also crucial to improving one's well-being.

Add to plate: Banana, avocado, whole grains.

2) Which foods should we avoid?

Sugar and sweets in general, alcohol and other beverages such as sodas and processed juices, refined flours (cakes, breads and biscuits) and highly-saturated fast foods. All of these should be avoided as much as possible.



3) What makes these foods so great?


I always emphasize to my patients that a healthy and balanced diet is one of the keys to appeasing the harmful effects of anxiety on our health. Foods rich in tryptophan, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B, antioxidants and omega-3 are crucial to both physical and mental well-being.

4) So, just how important is food in the treatment of anxiety?

I believe that food re-education is the key to many diseases of the body and soul. We need to take a more conscious look at what we eat and our body will respond in a very positive way. So always make good food choices.

I believe that re-educating people about food will change the way that we, as a society, choose to fight many of the diseases afflicting the body and the soul. We need to be more conscious about what we eat and, I can assure you, our bodies will respond in a very positive way.

My ultimate advice: try to always make good food choices.

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