
What is a Lymphatic Drainage Paddle and Why Should You Get One?

Beat the bloat, increase circulation, and practice self-love with this popular TikTok skincare tool. Here's everything you need to know about lymphatic drainage paddles.

A prodcut photo of a lymphatic paddle and a toning cream, surrounded by greenery.

Lymphatic drainage is not a new phenomenon. In fact, methods like dry brushing, have been around for thousands of years. And recently, in the past few years, we've seen an uptick in salons and clinics starting to offer manual lymphatic drainage massages. But now, another simple, yet effective lymphatic drainage tool is on our radar via TikTok: a lymphatic paddle. While it might sound (and look) a tad crazy, this skincare tool will not only leave you feeling lighter and more energized, but it can also help you beat the bloat—just in time for summer.

L'OFFICIEL breaks down the tool below. 

A person holding a lymphatic drainage tool to their arm.

What is a lymphatic paddle?

A lymphatic drainage paddle is a skincare tool that you glide along the skin to rid the body of toxins and waste, reducing water retention and giving your skin a more even and toned look in the process. While these paddles come in all shapes in sizes, they're usually made of wood and around the length of the bottom half of your arm. The tool also usually has a unique shape, comprised of ridges and curves, which help you move the paddle along the natural curvature of your body and into those hard-to-reach areas.

Someone holds a lymphatic paddle to their stomach.

How do you use it?

As many beauty lovers on TikTok have said, to start, you want to begin by awakening your lymphatic system. Use either a dry brush, your paddle, or your hand to rub around the areas where you have major lymph nodes—the backs of your knees, the groin area, and the area under your armpits. The next step? Grab your favorite oil and slather yourself in it. Not only will the oil benefit your skin by moisturizing it, but it also makes it easy for the tool to glide along the body. Next, take the paddle and begin to gently glide the tool along the legs in upward (this is important!) motions. Repeat the process all over your body, including on your arms, the sides of your stomach, and up your butt. And if you get lost? Remember to move toward the lymph nodes.

What are the benefits?

While every body is different and may experience differing results, there are many benefits you can reap from using this tool. Say goodbye to excess water retention, inflammation, and stomach problems, as this small, but mighty tool will have you feeling lighter, leave you more toned, and help aid in digestion. Another surprising benefit? You might find yourself getting sick less often. Improving your lymphatic system can directly affect your immunity, making you less susceptible to those pesky winter-time colds.  


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