Pop culture

Kate Moss is a Supermodel Turned NFT Star

This seasoned icon sheds light on the virtual art market with an intimate video series. 

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NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are the newest niché within the art realm. They are unique digital units of data that manifest in the form of art, audio, video, and other creative works. When  purchased by eager costumers, NFTs can be considered as rare collectible pieces with blockchain-based certificates of authenticity. This week, Kate Moss was the first major fashion figure to get into the NFT game.

In order to create this valuable piece of virtual art, Moss teamed up Mitnft, which is a "collective of artists and creatives dedicated to exploring the idea of the iconic within the realm of what is personal and what is public." Together, Moss and Mitnft created a NFT series which includes three short videos capturing the renowed supermodel driving, walking, and sleeping. Regardless of their simplicity, the clips are meant to provide a real insight into Moss' personal life.

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Stills from "Drive with Kate."

Each NFT will be sold as an edition of one and will be accompanied by a unique audio certification, recorded by Moss herself, acknowledging the momentous purchase. Moreover, the buyer will be recognized in a social media post on @KateMossAgency as the owner of a Kate Moss Moment in Time. Owning this piece means having your very own five-minutes of fame

Moss' NFTs stray away from the art form's tech-centered roots with raw imagery of Moss in her natural habitats. The star is pictured in her own car and bed, two spaces that are intrinsically tied to one's persohnood and daily life. She appears fully clothed and partially nude throughout the series, highlighting just how intimate these moments are. 

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Stills from "Sleep with Kate."

The three NFTs are now minted and available for viewing on the digital platform Foundation, and the auction will go live on Tuesday, April 13, for 24 hours only. The money made from the purchase will benefit Adwoa Aboah's Gurls Talk Foundation, which supports mental health among women. If Moss' videos are any indicator of how NFTs will be sold within the art market, we can only assume that this new digital form will be immensely impactful. 

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Stills from "Walk with Kate."


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