The Best Diet of 2021 According to Scientists
The first months of a new year can bring a time of great change for many seeking to acquire new habits—especially for those looking to find a healthier routine. With the many diet options available—all with several steps to follow and rules that are just difficult to adhere to—finding a version that fits your everyday life and brings health benefits may seem difficult, but it is not. According to US News' annual report, the Mediterranean Diet is considered to be the best diet to follow, and there are no shortage of reasons for that.
An easy option to adopt (in addition to delicious), the Mediterranean Diet consists of fresh foods with good fats. Just imagine a little of what the best Mediterranean countries have on the table and be inspired.
According to the publication, the diet is "low in red meat, sugar, and saturated fat, and rich in vegetables, nuts, and other healthy foods." Among the latter is fruits, vegetables, grains, and oil, as well as fish, and seafood. “Poultry, eggs, cheese, and yogurt in moderation” are also on the menu. It is worth mentioning that there is no official “Mediterranean Diet," as each Mediterranean country adopts different dishes, but the overall idea remains.
The result of this eating style is that, after analyzing 39 different diets, the report pointed to the Mediterranean Diet as the first place in several categories, namely: ease of diet, vegetable based diet, best option for diabetics, and healthiest diet, as well as beneficial to the heart.
For those looking to lose weight, the Mediterranean Diet earned 15th place, which does not mean that it won't give you that goal, you just have to reach a caloric deficit to do so. Might as well enjoy some tasty food at the same time!