Be Well

Use Chronobiology To Map Out A Healthy And Productive Daily Routine

Science merges with nature to achieve a perfect balance in beauty, health, and productivity.

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During the day, your body is constantly changing from light settings to dark settings. On the cellular level, your body is going through a change known as the Circadian Rhythm. This process refers to the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that respond to the change from light and dark. It's our body's way of reacting to natural stimuli, and the outcome is dependent solely on us. From this cellular process comes Chronobiology: a scientific field that studies the ways in which living organisms operate in this cyclical way.

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Photography by Bernard Hermant. Courtesy Unsplash.

To help get a better understanding of this process, let's look to nature as an example. Light (as well as shade) affects the functions of plant cells. Have you seen how a sunflower wakes up when it receives the first rays of the sun? It opens towards the sunlight, as if to receive its glowing rays on its metaphorical face. That opening and, consequently, closing of the sunflower are caused by the stimulus of light and shadow. Just like sunflowers, the human body reacts to the stimuli of the day and night in an organic way and we don't even notice. During the time you're sleeping, the body carries out invaluable processes. The fast pace of life and our lack of discipline cause us to alter the natural schedules of the body and begin a visible deterioration.

Our schedules, therefore, determine a large percentage of our achievements: mood, weight, energy, rest, and, of course, beauty. To get your body on the right schedule, use chronobiology to plan your day. 

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6 to 10 a.m.

During these hours, the mind and body are in the process of awakening. It's best to exercise, meditate, and eat a healthy breakfast during this time period. If you're looking to lose weight or get in shape, following this schedule will provide more optimal results. Use this time to pick up your fitness resolutions or practice yoga in the early hours of the morning to start your day right. 

10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

In this time frame, your mind is running at full speed, as well as your digestion. This is the time to complete those important tasks that require your full attention. Try scheduling work meetings, personal calls, or time to work on projects during this time for a productive workflow. Your calorie expenditure is at its peak from physical and mental activity, as well as from your morning exercise and meditation. Since your digestion is on overdrive, end this cycle with your most substantial meal of the day. During this period, it's also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water for healthy glowing skin. 

2 to 6 p.m.

During these hours, it's easy to get distracted and dehydrated. For this period, focus on hydration and having a balanced meal. This cycle is heavily dependent on the successful completion of the previous cycles otherwise, your body will start to feel nervous or exhausted. During this time of day, coffee drinking is popular. However, it's important to not go overboard with the caffeine as your body is already trying to fight off the anxiety it's feeling. 

6 to 10 p.m.

This is when your brain is preparing for deep sleep cycles. The brain knows that a time to rest and detox is coming (even if you don't know and just want to binge on Netflix). As your body begins to settle, your digestion does too. Eating light and staying away from carbs and bad fats is essential to keeping your digestion on track. Ever feel a sudden burst of energy late at night? This boost of creativity and productiveness is not exactly a good thing for your body, no matter how good it may make you feel. You're using the energy that your body has stored for sleep, taking away sleeping time and leaving you feeling exhausted in the morning. Aim to have the lights out and your head on the pillow by 10:30 or 11 p.m., and keep distractions, such as cell phones, away from you to prevent any unnecessary awakenings.

2 to 6 a.m.

From 2 and until 6 a.m. your body is going through the phases of restful (and beautifying) sleep.

To ensure maximum beauty sleep, apply a nightly face mask, perform a face yoga routine, or take a hot bath to get into the ideal sleepy time mood. 


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